We wanted to kick off 2022 right by giving you the chance to win BIG. Think you know what the Secret Sound is?
Listen for the cue to call to guess, we’ll be giving you 13 chances every weekday, from 7 am up to and including 7 pm. Make sure you’re the 9th caller through at 705-721-7625 when you hear it to play!
The pot will start at $100. For every wrong answer, we’ll add another $25 to the pot, up to $10,000!
Rock 95’s $10,000 Secret Sound Contest only on Barrie’s Rock Station…Rock 95!
See all the guesses below:
Frank James of Barrie won $10,000 for guessing “Drying Your Back with a towel back and forth”
Moving a straw up and down in a plastic take-out cup
Taking an inflated balloon rubbing it on your hair
Shaking a can of coffee grinds
Spinning a cassette tape around on a pencil
A pressure release valve on a pressure cooker
Hydraulic pump cart for moving skids
Shaking a box of table salt
A shaker cup with a metal shaker inside
Ball with elastic kids game being played
Rustling of a grocery bag
Shimmying a filing cabinet across a floor
Rubbing the edge of styrofoam with a glove on
Shaking a sifter for aggregate
Shaking money in a piggy bank
Coffee cup going back and forth on a table with a lid on
Shaking a bag of pet food
Someone scratching cleaning or scrubbing the ducts
Wiping the dashboard of your car
Rubbing two scrubbing sponges together
Erasing the marker off a dry erase board
Rubbing your foot back & forth on a car mat
A commercial, ride-on floor washer
Pushing a shopping cart in a parking lot
Putting on a shirt over you head
Shaking a box of jewelry chains
A waterwheel on the back of a riverboat
Shaking food in an air fryer basket
Rubbing 2 pieces of cardboard together
Rubbing a balloon on a head with hair
Scribbling or writing on paper with a highlighter
Shaking a box of smarties by a microphone
Using an aerosol car upholstery scrubber brush
Cat scratching in the litter box covering its business
Shaking a cooler full of ice
Using a handheld fertilizer spreader
Shaking a box of ricearoni
Bubble wrap being rubbed together
A wire brush on a drum
The water spraying inside a dishwasher, during a cycle
Shaking a tub of marbles
Washing or scrubbing a potato under water
Rubbing a hair brush across a countertop
Rubbing hands on the vinyl poster/flag we have in the studio at rock95
Scrapping the griddle with a metal spatula
Washing a golf ball in a golf ball washer
Spinning a set of keys on a flat surface
Shaking a bottle of metal tabs from beer and pop cans
Cleaning a BBQ grill with a ball of aluminum foil
Shaking a bag of chips
Rubbing the tape on a hockey stick
Shaking a bag of pop-rocks side to side
An old straw broom brushing concrete
A paper rubbing on a microphone
Shaking a bag of spices
Shaking the dice in the Yahtzee cup
The water jets in a car wash hitting your car
Shaking a balloon with beads in it
Shaking popcorn kernels in a container
A computer printer spitting out a piece of paper
Running your fingernails across a bumpy cookie sheet
Knocking on a screen door
Shaking a box of lego
Hand sanding a steel drum
Stone washing jeans in a machine
Making breadcrumbs with a hand grater
Shaking a container of Downy Unstoppables
Shaking a bag of cat treats
Scrubbing floor mats with a vacuum brush
A balloon filled with rice being shaken
Getting your feet scrubbed during a pedicure
Depositing cash into an ATM machine
A cat scratching to get out on an aluminum door
Shuffling feet across the ground
An old fashioned wind up toy
A commercial fan in a barn
Pulling out the sprayer part of a kitchen faucet
Cutting an ABS pipe with a hacksaw
Loose siding blowing around in a wind or rain storm
Using a shoe shine brush
Shaking a box of Reese’s Pieces
Using a manual air compressor to fill up an inflatable ball
Using the spindle of a pottery wheel
Shaking a can of pringles chips
Using the eraser on a whiteboard
Shaking a bag of frozen vegetables
Crushed ice in a cocktail shaker moving around
The pad on a floor buffing machine
Straining pasta in a steel colander
Opening up the metal security gates at a store
Cutting through crusty bread with a bread knife
The whistle of a pressure cooker
A big office paper shredder
Rolling a paint roller back & forth in a rolling pan
Cleaning a table with a cloth or a wipe
Zesting a lemon with a grater
Shaking a box of cereal
Rubbing a balloon on your head
Sound of a steam engine
pulling styrofoam out of the box
Fingernails going back and forth across a tabletop
The sound of frozen food on tinfoil
Cutting down a hockey stick with a hacksaw
Shaking kitty litter in the tray
Shake n bake a chicken in plastic bag
Racking up the balls for a game of pool
Sliding a filing cabinet drawer in and out
Shaking a container of breadcrumbs
Scrubbing a stain out of fabric with a scrub brush
A hand cranked old fashioned pencil sharpener
A bag blowing in the wind
Sliding a coffee back and forth across a desk
Taking a sip out of a convenience store styrofoam cup
Removing excess drywall compound with a putty knife
Scrubbing the pool liner or cover
Cutting drywall with a drywall knife
Shaking pasta in a pot or container
Shaking the excess water out of a dishwasher rack
Scraping the gunk off a dirty pan with a metal spatula
Fixing a clogged ice cube dispenser in a fridge
Frying pan going across the element on a stove
A weather vane blowing in the wind
Scrubbing siding on a house
Hamster on an exercise wheel
Whisking ingredients in a stainless steel bowl
A dog scratching at the door
The sound of a dishwasher
A zipper going up and down
The sound a CD players makes when you accidentally put two discs in
Shovel of gravel in a cement mixer
A metal scraper scrapping a metal pot
Putting a Christmas tree through the shaker at the tree farm
Cleaning bbq grill with a wire brush
A wire brush on a BBQ
A shower head spraying on a shower curtain
Shaking a container of toothpicks
Shaking a Scrabble game with all the pieces inside
Shaking a bucket of Miracle Grow
Spinning a rope or skipping rope fast
Cutting styrofoam with a handsaw
Racking up the balls for a game of pool
An old school baby’s rattle toy
Making a snow angel in the snow
Shaking sidewalk salt out of a plastic container
Washing and scrubbing the walls
The bathroom fan starting up when you turn on the light
An air hand dryer in a washroom
Removing the sand from a casting at a foundry
A dog digging through slushy ice in the yard
Cleaning your teeth with an electric toothbrush
A beer case coming out on rollers
Rubbing your upper arms with your hands
Snare drum brushes on a drum
Shaking the styrofoam off something new out of a box
Pouring out fresh cat litter
Cutting a metal pipe with a hacksaw
Bingo balls going around in a cage
Shredding cabbage with a grater
Removing crunchy snow from a vehicle
Chopping celery on a cutting board
A street sweeper sweeping the street
A power trowel for concrete finishing
A bow saw cutting down a tree or cutting off a tree limb
Cleaning the rocks in a fish tank with a strainer tool
Shaking a box of push pins or thumbtacks
A pressure washer in a car wash
Shaking a bag or packet of sugar
Shaking a container of edible nuts
Shaking pasta in the strainer
Shaking pasta in the strainer
Shaking a pizza inside the pizza box
The wheel/rim washing part of a car wash
Spinning a lazy susan back and forth
Polishing boots or shoes with a brush
Shaking a box of Smarties
Shaking a jar of popcorn
Pulling the popcorn out of the microwave
Jiffypop popcorn on the stove
Cleaning the barbecue with a wooden scraper
Rubbing flint together to make a spark
Shaking a bag of charcoal
Winding a garden hose onto a hose reel
Scraping fingernails across a screen
A slush/slushie/slurpee machine
Shaking salt from a scoop into the driveway
Salt or pepper grinder grinding
A pager going off on a table
Swishing water in your mouth
Brushing the snow off a frozen over fishing hole with your mitten
Scrubbing tiles or tub with a brush
A wire brush scrubbing off the rust
Shaking the container of laundry incense booster
Rolling a computer mouse back and forth
Scrubbing a fibreglass shower with a scrub brush
Shaking a game called fixit
Shaking a Chinese Checkers board game in the box
A cat scratching around in the litter box
Change in the pocket of pants in the dryer
Rubbing your hands together with winter gloves on
Cleaning an oven with an SOS/wire pad
Something scratching against an aluminum storm door
Shaking a box of shake n’ bake
Windshield wipers over an icy windshield
Cleaning or polishing a pair of dress shoes with a brush
Trying to start your car with a dead battery or alternator
Cement coming down a chute
The steamer wand on an espresso machine
Scraping a wire brush along a metal pipe
Spinning tires on snow & ice
Scratching an itch in a snow suit
Washing or scrubbing a cookie sheet
Rubbing a balloon on hair to get static charge
The money-counting machine at the bank
A miniature indoor train set going around the track
The electric start on a snow blower
A compressed air can for cleaning keyboards etc
Rinsing out a vinyl kiddie pool
Shaking a bag of peas
Shaking a package of sidekicks
Cleaning electronics with compressed air
A large water bottle being rinsed or sanitized
Shaking a bag of grass seed
Swing a skipping rope through the air
Pouring a bag of french fries out on to a pan
Windshield wipers going over an icy windshield
An ATM machine dispensing money
Rubbing a balloon against your head
Shaking food on a baking sheet
A train rolling across tracks
Making kettle corn over a fire
A balloon being rubbed on your head
A balloon punching bag with sand/beads in it
Shaking a cooler with ice in it
Shaking a box of candy
Using a chimney sweep to clean out a stove pipe
Shaking a box of Kraft Dinner
Sifting through gravel for gold
Scrubbing the stove with a sos pad
Rubbing a balloon to give it a static charge
Craig Ross’s morning workout
Pressure washing a car mat
Waving a piece of sheet metal
Pulling tin foil out and shaking it
Cleaning the seats of your car
Washing vegetables with a spray wand
Shaking a bag of microwavable popcorn
Opening or closing the security gate at the entrance to a store
Scrapping toast with a knife
Cutting metal with a hacksaw
Rubbing your bare hands together
Cutting a baguette with a bread knife
Trying to start old farm diesel engine in the cold
Rolling a case of beer on the metal conveyer
Shaking a box of paper clips
Shaking tack in a tinfoil tray
Scraping ice off the driveaway with a shovel
Rubbing a piece of paper on a desk
Cleaning a flat top with a flat top stone
Using the toe or heel of your boot and moving it around on a rough floor
Cutting wood with a handsaw
Shaking a bag of coffee beans
Shaking a can of Whiskas
Two sanding blocks rubbing against each other
Moving a computer mouse back and forth on a desk
Using a grinder to make bread crumbs
Shaking a bag of rice
Brushing a carpet with a scrub brush
A roller coaster coming towards or going away
Scrubbing upholstery to clean it
Shaking a cocktail shaker full of drink
Pushing a straw broom quickly across a floor
Putting a pencil in an electric pencil sharpener
Shaking a bean bag item
Pushing shopping carts into the cart shelter
Rubbing a balloon on your head to create static
Pouring a box of KD into the pot of water
The dryer machine at the end of a carwash
Shaking a box of smarties
Shuffling a tray of nuts and bolts
A glass of ice and water
Going through a car wash
Shaking rice in a metal container
Scribbling on a piece of paper with a pencil
Rubbing 2 pieces of styrofoam together
The foot brush you wipe your feet off on before you go in the house
A steam engine or steamboat engine
Shaking a box of rice
Trying to start a car or truck
Shaking a tin can with change in it
Old style washing machine with the spinner
Spinning a Bingo ball cage
Sweeping on a sheet of curling ice
Pulling french fries out of the fryer and shaking them dry
Erasing a chalkboard or dry-erase board
Going through a touchless car wash
A beer rubbing off a microphone
Drying your hands under a hand dryer
Cleaning the sink with a bristle brush
The water hitting your window in a car wash
A kid’s punching balloon/inflatable with sand in the bottom
Shaking a box of cereal
Shaking a box of puzzle pieces
Shaking a box of pasta
Cleaning your BBQ with a wire scraper
Spraying something with the kitchen sink ‘sprayer’
Shaking a bag of dog treats
The bottom of a revolving door
Shaking a bag of road salt
Driving through a car wash
Metal brush cleaning a bbq grill
Shaking rice inside a balloon
Scraping ice off your car
A scouring pad scrubbing dishes
Starting a crappy snow blower with the electric start
Jiffy Pop popcorn being popped on top of the stove
Opening or closing a garage door
Sound of the washing machine going into the spin cycle
Shaking salt on the driveway
See all the guesses below:
Opening & closing an Exacto knife
Cracking a nut using a nutcracker and the pieces falling into your hand
Pulling the floss out from between your teeth
Locking a deadbolt and pulling across the chain
Using a manual salt or pepper grinder
Opening a can of sardines
Taking an extra bite out of an apple
Winding up an old fashioned alarm clock
A packing tape dispenser going over a box and ripping the tape
Playing with a Rubik’s Cube
Opening a metal fruit cup
Biting into a crunchy carrot
Putting a pencil in a pencil sharpener and turning it a few times
Turning the knob on a candy dispenser
Using the jack on the car
Crushing/bending a pop or beer can until it breaks
A salt or pepper grinder
Tic tacs spilling out of the container and tilting it back
Cracking lobster claws or crab legs
Opening a can of chips
A dog chewing on an ice cube
Opening a beer or pop can
Shuffling a deck of cards
Scotch tape being pulled and torn off a dispenser
Putting a key in a lock and turning it
Shuffling a deck of cards
Splitting wood with an axe, then pulling it apart
Cracking a glow stick to activate it
Biting a stack of potato chips
Sophie Hodgins won $1,200 for guessing “Lighting a BBQ Lighter”
See all the guesses below:
Hitting an overturned plastic bucket
A deadbolt on a door
Depressing a bass drum pedal
Dropping a ball on the floor
Closing a wooden desk drawer
Opening or shutting a vehicle door
Stacking books on a bookshelf
The clicking of the second hand of a battery-operated clock
Plugging in an electric guitar into an amp
Releasing a filled knotted balloon
Giving yourself a high five to the chest
Lifting up and releasing the wiper blade on the car
Running your finger under the needle of a record player
A dart hitting a dartboard
Kicking a box into a wall
Closing the door of a personal safe
Closing a filing cabinet drawer
Hitting the pedal on a bass drum
Fanning out the sheets when making a bed
Closing the lid on the deep freeze
Kicking snow off a boot
Power locks on a vehicle door
Opening or closing a window
Throwing a tennis ball against the wall
Sealing the lid of a Tupperware dish
Opening or closing a briefcase
Moving an office chair up or down with a lever
Closing the trunk of a car
Doing a mic-check by hitting it
Chocolate Bar Drops out of a vending machine
Keeping the money in a glovebox
Sliding a patio door closed
Scuffing the heel of a shoe on the ground
Putting the water jug on a water cooler
The buildup of snow in the wheel well falling to the ground
The ball return on a pinball machine
Scoring a goal in air hockey
Closing the lid on one of the big wheelie garbage bins
Closing the lid on a garbage can
Throwing a ball against the wall
The arm coming down in an arm-wrestling match
Hitting a tennis ball with a racket
Opening or closing the lid of a bread box
Stamping a document with an ink stamp
Shooting a nail from a nail gun into a piece of wood
The needle end of a vinyl record going around
Snowball hitting a window or door
Flipping a water bottle and having it land right-side-up
Opening the carry on compartment on an airplane
A door knocker coming to rest when you’re done
Closing the lid to a waste collection bin
Dropping a stylus on a record
Closing the top of a Keurig machine
Closing the lazy boy recliner
Opening or closing the gas cap
Pressing a key on the keyboard
Placing a full Tim Horton’s cup on a table
Opening and closing a cooler lid
Closing the lid to an ottoman or furniture storage compartment
Leaning skis or a snowboard up against a wall
Dropping dough on the table
Closing the top of a photocopier machine
Putting glasses into a glasses case and closing the case
Putting a bag of milk in the container and hitting it on the counter
Opening a trunk on a car with a remote
Shooting and hitting a target with a bow and arrow
Closing a sliding pocket door
Lowering the tailgate of a pickup truck
Closing a car’s glove compartment
A surround sound system booting up/connecting
Folding in the leg of a folding table
Axe throwing and hitting the target
An automatic ball thrower/pitcher
The ball return at a bowling alley
Tapping an acoustic guitar with your hand
Putting a cordless phone into the charging base
Closing a big plastic ladder
Closing the door of a safe
Firing off a t-shirt cannon
Hitting your hand on the table by the microphone
Dropping a full laundry basket on the floor
Icicle coming off the eaves-trough hitting the ground
Closing the hood of a car
An untippable sippy cup hitting the floor
The door opening on a top loading CD player
Closing the crisper drawer in the fridge
Turning on the power to a subwoofer
Stephane Lacroix won $3,775 for guessing “Flipping the sun visor in your car”
See all the guesses below:
Dropping a ping pong ball on the table
Stapling two pieces of paper
Sliding cutlery into a container
Opening a can of beer
Sliding a knife into a sharpener
Axe throwing and hitting the target
Derek Rose won $350 for guessing “the spring of a stapler retracting when refilling it”
See all the guesses below:
Opening a can of Pringles
Pulling a Lysol wipeout of the tub
A break shot in a game of pool
A knife slicing through an apple
Cutting through a head of lettuce on a cutting board
Laying down a playing card
Pulling a playing card out of the deck
Swiping or inserting a debit card into a machine
Scraping the ice or snow of a windshield
A salt and pepper mill
ripping a piece of paper against a table or ruler
Pulling a playing card off the table
Pulling a knife out of a sharpener
Shooting a puck down a mini shuffleboard
Taking a slapshot with a mini stick
Shaving/wiping away the shaving cream
Turning the page of a book
Sliding a nameplate into a holder
Using a letter opener to open a letter
Putting paper in a printer and sliding the drawer
Cutting a piece of paper with scissors
Sliding closed a screen door
Ripping the label off a water bottle
Using a metal spatula to flip something on a grill
Peeling a carrot with a vegetable peeler
Pulling a kleenex out of the box
Pulling out the dryer lint tray
Sliding the beads across an abacus
Dropping a document into manila envelope
Doing a hard stop on ice skates
Pulling curtains across a curtain rod
Shuffling a Deck of cards
Pulling back the foil seal on a (coffee) can
Sliding a beer into a cooler
Shaking a container of paper clips
Pulling a rubber glove off your hand
Extending the aluminum arm of a telescopic snowbrush
Cutting a watermelon in half
Angie Shupe won $1575 for guessing “Sliding an LP/Record into a sleeve”
See all the guesses below:
Folding a piece of paper and sliding fingernail along the crease
Ripping open a sugar pack and pouring
A drip from a faucet
Tearing and dropping a piece of cardboard
Maple syrup dripping into a can
Peeling the lid off aluminum can
Opening a tin can of fruit
Pulling back a matchbox car
Sipping a coffee and putting down the cup
Pulling up a piece of tape on a dispenser and tearing it off
Opening a mini coffee creamer cup and tearing off the seal
Opening up a can of pop and ripping off the tab
Opening a tub of Pringles chips
Taking the tinfoil lid off of a cream cheese container
Cocking & shooting a Nerf gun
Pulling dental floss out of the case & tearing it
Peeling a sticky note and sticking it to something
Closing a window and locking it
Letter opener opening a letter
Pulling up a piece of scotch tape in a dispenser and tearing it off
Releasing and catching a yoyo
Opening a bottle of beer and slowly letting out the pressure
Opening a straw and putting it in a juice box
Putting helium in a balloon and tying it off
Dropping the needle on a record
Opening a tea bag & dropping it in a cup
Peeling the lid off of a take-out butter container
Pushing a button and starting a fireplace
Loading film into a camera
The sound of a spinning top toy
Chalk writing on a chalkboard
Twisting off the plastic cap and unsealing a drink carton
Flipping something in a frying pan
Using a highlighter and putting the cap back on
Loading the office stapler, and closing it back up
Automatic paper cutter, cutting paper
Pushing down the handle on a Viewfinder
Removing and replacing a post-it note from a mirror
Taking the lid off of a water bottle
Shooting a puck across the ice and hitting the boards
Running scissors along a ribbon to curl
Cutting glass or tile and snapping it
Closing a zip lock bag
Unpeeling & sticking (or unsticking) one of those plastic hook stickers to a wall
Cutting a rubber band with a pair of scissors
Taking the plastic ring off a frozen juice can
The turning mechanism in a deadlock
Pulling a card from a deck of cards, then throwing it on the table
Crokinole piece sliding across the board and into the middle
Turning off a gas stove
Inserting a credit or debit card into a gas pump to pay
Taking the top off a plastic pop bottle
Sound of a timer in a board game
Zipping up your coat & then buttoning a button
Opening the Velcro strap on an umbrella & then sliding it open
Closing a sliding patio door & locking it
Taking a piece of paper out of a three ring binder and closing the clasp
Pulling the freshness seal off a can of coffee
Pushing a dart into a toy gun
Opening up a can of Pringles
Pulling a knife out of a self sharpener
Pulling saran/cling wrap over a plate of leftovers & snapping it into place
Running a spoon along the inside of a yogurt container
Peeling a sticky note and sticking it to a computer screen
Peeling a price tag off of something
Peeling the foil off a tetra juice pack and clicking the top back on
Sliding playing card across a table and flipping it over
Sealing a giant zip lock bag with the clip
Using a flipper on a skillet
Lighting a zippo lighter and closing the top
Removing a tin from the packaging (sardines) and snapping off the key
Pulling a retractable key-card cord and letting it snap back in place
Retracting the cord on a vacuum cleaner
Someone sucking through a straw
Turning the dial on a combination safe lock
Running your fingers across a new bill and flicking the end
Toy racecar switching lanes on an electric track
Using a tape gun and tearing off the tape
Candy coming out of a pez dispenser
Opening or closing a magic screen (magnet screen door)
Sliding a ski boot into a binding and locking it
Opening the bag inside a box of cereal and closing the box
Checking the oil in a car, using a dipstick
Blowing a bubble with bubble gum and popping it
Tearing off the end of the paper cover of a straw and blowing the paper at someone
Taking a piece of paper off a clipboard and closing the clasp
Opening up a Pillsbury dough container
Opening a COVID-19 rapid test
Needle on the end of an lp on a turntable
Writing on a white board
Swiping a credit/debit card
Pulling a piece of paper off a pad of paper, and sticking it somewhere with a magnet
Scraping a fork across paper, and then tapping the counter with it
A receipt machine tearing a receipt at the end of a transaction
Blowing the paper covering off a straw
Opening a band-aid and pulling it out of a package
An automatic label maker making a label
Paper going through a printers
Opening a propane tank on a barbecue
The sound from an automatic stapler
Troweling cement onto a brick
Fastening a zip tie together and clipping off the end
Pulling a debit card out of a sleeve and tapping to pay
Opening and closing a knife
Doing up a zipper and closing the snap
Sliding your finger across your phone to unlock it
Taking off a piece of plastic wrap and snapping it off at the end
Winding the back of an old style manual alarm
Scooping up a burger and putting it on a plate
Pulling out a tape measure and locking it in place
Depressing the switch in a multi-colour bic pen
Peeling a vegetable and dropping the peel into the sink
A keyless entry card being swiped & door opening
Opening a can of pop
Pouring spices out of a tin and closing the lid
Pulling up a pull tab on a cat food tin
Screen of a patio door sliding closed and latching it
Taking a playing card from a deck and placing it on a table
Closing a pair of scissors and putting them down
Pulling off the plastic tab to open a salad or nuts container
Underlining something with a marker & putting the cap back on
Switching the line on an air hose
Casting a line from a reel and clicking the rail down
Ripping open a sugar packet and flicking it with your finger
Taking a bill out of a wallet and shutting the wallet
Pulling the retractable handle on a suitcase
Counting out money on a table
Putting a Kuerig pod into the machine
Splatting some cookie dough on a cooking sheet
Playing out a VHS or cassette until the end
Changing the drill bit in a power drill
Sliding half the cards off the deck and tapping them on the table
Using a highlighter on a piece of paper and putting the cap on
Sliding the weight on a triple beam scale
Removing a straw from the paper wrapper and inserting
Steve Bryant guessed “Pulling Chop Sticks out of the package and splitting them open” and won $4,725 !
See all the guesses below:
Graham Lemieux guessed “a dart being thrown at a dart board” and won $125!
See all the guesses below:
Ripping a piece of paper and dropping it on the floor
Jim Budd of Orillia guessed “Ripping a packet of sugar and pouring it in a cup” and won $125!